Amman Stock Exchange Gives Listed Companies Until April 6 to Provide Their Annual Data

Amman Stock Exchange Gives Listed Companies Until April 6 to Provide Their Annual Data
Amman Stock Exchange Gives Listed Companies Until April 6 to Provide Their Annual Data
The CEO of the Amman Stock Exchange, Mazen Al-Wazayfeh, stated that the exchange is calling on listed companies to complete providing their audited annual financial data for the period ending on December 31, 2024, by their auditors via the XBRL electronic disclosure system before Sunday, April 6. This comes in line with the Securities Commission's decision to extend the legal deadline for submitting the annual reports for 2024 until April 6, due to the coincidence of the final deadline with the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Al-Wazayfeh confirmed that, in accordance with the Securities Commission's decision and based on the provisions of Article (15/B/6) of the Securities Listing Instructions of 2018, the Amman Stock Exchange will suspend trading in the shares of non-compliant companies that fail to submit their audited annual financial data from their auditors starting from the first business day following April 6, until these companies provide the required data to the exchange. This measure aims to enhance the protection of market participants and investors, providing them with timely information to enable informed investment decisions. After the deadline for submitting the audited annual data, the exchange will announce the names of the non-compliant companies through various media channels. Companies that fail to comply with the set deadline will be subject to penalties as stipulated in the applicable regulations and instructions. Providing the exchange with audited annual financial data is in compliance with the Securities Listing Instructions at the Amman Stock Exchange, which requires all listed companies to prepare audited annual data by their auditors. This ensures transparency and disclosure, allowing investors and shareholders to access necessary information and company performance results continuously and on time. It is noteworthy that the exchange publishes this data on its website under the circulars and disclosures (Annual Data) section, making it easily accessible to interested parties.   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_509089081')   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_552628228') Read More xciting Events Await Ayla Visitors This Eid Al-Fitr Applied Science University Hosts Advanced Course in Brain and Nerve Anatomy with International Participation Increased Demand for the Jordanian Dinar Ahead of Eid
The CEO of the Amman Stock Exchange, Mazen Al-Wazayfeh, stated that the exchange is calling on listed companies to complete providing their audited annual financial data for the period ending on December 31, 2024, by their auditors via the XBRL electronic disclosure system before Sunday, April 6.

This comes in line with the Securities Commission's decision to extend the legal deadline for submitting the annual reports for 2024 until April 6, due to the coincidence of the final deadline with the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

Al-Wazayfeh confirmed that, in accordance with the Securities Commission's decision and based on the provisions of Article (15/B/6) of the Securities Listing Instructions of 2018, the Amman Stock Exchange will suspend trading in the shares of non-compliant companies that fail to submit their audited annual financial data from their auditors starting from the first business day following April 6, until these companies provide the required data to the exchange. This measure aims to enhance the protection of market participants and investors, providing them with timely information to enable informed investment decisions.

After the deadline for submitting the audited annual data, the exchange will announce the names of the non-compliant companies through various media channels. Companies that fail to comply with the set deadline will be subject to penalties as stipulated in the applicable regulations and instructions.

Providing the exchange with audited annual financial data is in compliance with the Securities Listing Instructions at the Amman Stock Exchange, which requires all listed companies to prepare audited annual data by their auditors. This ensures transparency and disclosure, allowing investors and shareholders to access necessary information and company performance results continuously and on time.

It is noteworthy that the exchange publishes this data on its website under the circulars and disclosures (Annual Data) section, making it easily accessible to interested parties.