Protein Bar Boost: BioTechUSA Undertaking HUF 9 Billion Investment in Outskirts of Budapest

  • 13 Mar 2025 6:48 AM
Protein Bar Boost: BioTechUSA Undertaking HUF 9 Billion Investment in Outskirts of Budapest
Hungarian-owned dietary supplement maker BioTechUSA has completed HUF 5.5bn of a HUF 9.0bn investment at its manufacturing and logistics base in Szada, on the outskirts of the capital, CEO Balint Levai said during a walk-through on Wednesday.

Levai said new production capacity would triple BioTechUSA's protein bar capacity. He added that the company would add a premium bar and a premium family of vitamins to the product palette.

Levai said the new capacity was being tested and would start serial production in the second half of 2025. He added that the whole investment project had taken three years.

Levai said solar panels installed at the company's bases would meet 30pc of its electricity needs in future.

BioTechUSA has a combined 45,000sqm of production and warehouse space at its bases in Szada and nearby Dunakeszi. The company turns out an annual 75 million protein bars, 20,000 tonnes of protein powder and 1 billion tablets and capsules.

BioTechUSA had revenue of HUF 93.7bn in 2024, a new record, Levai said. The company launched 25 new products, opened 20 more shops and entered markets in five more countries, bringing the total in which it is present to 103, he added.

BioTechUSA also signed a cooperation agreement with FC Barcelona, he said.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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