Could NASA Glenn become NASA’s main HQ? Ohio lawmakers think it’s worth the discussion

Published: Mar. 12, 2025 at 10:42 PM EDT
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CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Senator Jon Husted (R-OH) and Congressman Max Miller (R- Ohio) were joined by Ohio lawmakers calling on Nasa to consider relocating NASA’s headquarters from Washington, D.C. to the NASA Glenn facility in Cleveland.

According to the letter sent by Husted and Miller, NASA’s D.C. lease expires in 2028, and is exploring other options for a headquarters. It is not known if Cleveland is legitimate option, however Husted and Miller listed the following reasons why it should seriously be considered:

  1. Cost Savings and Efficiency: Cleveland offers a lower cost of living than D.C., resulting in savings while maintaining a similar operational standard
  2. Strategic Alignment: This would align with the Federal Government’s current efforts to eliminate extra spending.
  3. Optimized Workforce and Facility Utilization: With most NASA employees working remote, consolidation would streamline processes.
  4. Support for Workforce Modernization: Moving administrative agencies out of Washington promotes a return-to-office culture.

The letter stated Florida, Alabama and Texas as having already submitted similar proposals, but the belief is Ohio could offer an opportunity the other locations could not.