The Laredo R-7 Board of Education approved health insurance plans during its March 10 meeting. The cost for health insurance will be $510 per month, with vision insurance at $10.97 and life insurance at $2.10. The insurance plans are provided through the Ozarks Schools Benefits Association.
The board also approved covering the cost of a basic health screening package for $32.
A bid for mowing services was accepted from Bethards Mowing at a rate of $120 per mowing.
The board approved switching school photography services from Wagner to Lockridge. A school representative stated that Lockridge does not charge the district for coming to the school to take pictures. Prices for school pictures will be based on the package selected by students.
A decision on a cooperative agreement for fall sports with Trenton Middle School was tabled. The agreement would cover volleyball, softball, and football.
The board approved the Assessment Plan and accepted the resignation of Board Member Ronna Owens.
It was announced that Laredo R-7 will provide transportation to Grundy County R-5 High School for the next school year.
The annual state bus inspection was conducted in Trenton on February 26. Both school buses passed the inspection.
March parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for March 13 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Following a closed session, the board announced that full-time certified contracts were offered.